zkBTC Bridge

zkBTC bridge is based on the OP_ZKP Opcode upgrade proposal.

zkBTC is a native ZKP-based bridge between the Bitcoin and Ethereum ecosystem, rooted in ZKP technology. It enables Bitcoin holders to safely engage with Ethereumโ€™s flourishing crypto ecosystem while fostering the gradual development of a native ecosystem within Bitcoin.

zkbtc token: an ERC-20 token backed 1:1 with Bitcoin.

How to mint $zkbtc token?

Users can simply mint $zkBTC by depositing $BTC to a designated Bitcoin address manage by ZKP, then generating a proof off-chain and validating it within an Ethereum smart contract. This process ensures that the smart contract verifies the deposit transaction on the Bitcoin network before minting the corresponding $zkBTC tokens for the user, upholding the 1:1 pegging.

How to redeem $ bitcoin?

For redemption, users call the Ethereum smart contract to destroy some of their $zkBTC tokens at any time. A proof is then generated off-chain. Depending on the activation of the proposed opZKP opcode, this proof is verified either by the Bitcoin network directly or in a tamper-proof container as an interim solution, followed by UTXO expenditure.

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